Microreactor: Xe-Mobile
To address the need for ground, sea and air transportable small power production, X-energy has developed reactor concepts with potential applications for remote communities, governments, military and critical infrastructure.
An important path to Clean Energy Accessibility
Hundreds of remote communities in North America and around the world continue to use diesel generators to produce their electricity. These generators are a source of fossil fuel-based pollution and can be difficult to service and fuel due to their “off grid” locations.
Highly Portable Power
Highly portable power with a high energy density will be a game-changing technology for a wide range of energy applications.
Energy Dense
Disaster Relief
The ability to transport flexible electricity solutions that do not require fueling for years provides critical infrastructure to get railroads, water purification facilities, and hospitals powered again – within days.
Be powered again – within days
Remote Communities
Arid, Island and arctic communities often use government-subsidized petroleum fuel deliveries to maintain their power. If their deliveries are disrupted, the impact can be significant.
Maintain Power
Defense & Military
The US Military has embarked on a program to determine if highly transportable nuclear electricity production can be achieved by U.S. industry. Critical elements of the successful solution include:
• Rapid deployment, set-up, shut-down, and redeployment
• Safe to military logistics and operations personnel throughout its lifecycle
• Reliable, consistent, semi-autonomous operation
X-energy was selected through a competitive procurement to complete our design with specialized capabilities for the military.
Our Reactor
In response to these multiple potential needs, X-energy has developed the “Xe-Mobile” – a power generation system that can be delivered to the point of electricity need and quickly begin generating power. Features of the Xe-Mobile include:
• Rail, truck, and sea transport compatibility
• Components housed cargo containers
• Can operate at full power for more than 3 years
• Utilizes TRISO fuel, due to high maturity & a strong safety case
• Produces 2-7 MWe of electrical power
• Multiple voltage outputs available
Always on reliability with anywhere versatility
The ability to have a long-life, “almost instant on”, compact back-up power system will provide “peace of mind” and resilience to communities across the globe.
Xe-Mobile could support hundreds of critical infrastructure sites that, should power be lost for a long period, would greatly impact the quality of human life. Additionally, island nations and other remote, livable areas can benefit from a consistent, reliable, compact, any-weather power solution where the delivery of fossil fuel and/or replacement parts can be logistically difficult.
“We have developed one of the most advanced & feasible micro-mobile nuclear reactor solutions in the world an important step forward for clean energy innovation & leadership.”
The Xe-Mobile is a ground, sea and air transportable power generation system that can be delivered to the point of electricity need and quickly begin generating power; no construction or site preparation is required.
The Xe-Mobile reactor addresses the need for clean energy accessibility in areas that do not have access to reliable clean energy. It offers a portable and high-energy-density power solution, making it suitable for various energy applications.
Island and remote communities, especially in Canada and Alaska, rely on petroleum fuel to maintain their power. Delivery disruptions and service difficulties can significantly affect availability and reliability of power in these settings, while the diesel generators are a source of air pollutants and greenhouse gases.
The Xe-Mobile is a transportable and flexible electricity solution that does not require fueling for years and can power critical infrastructure like hospitals, water purification facilities, railyards and ship harbors on rapid deployment timelines.
Xe-Mobile is designed to operate at full power for more than 3 years at a 100% duty cycle, it utilizes our proprietary TRISO-X fuel that is designed not to melt, and is capable of producing 1-5 MW of electric power at 4160 volts.
As the U.S. military prepares to further “electrify” the warfighter, highly portable, reliable power will be a revolutionary technology.
The Xe-Mobile reactor is designed to operate at full power for more than three years without refueling, providing continuous power to the intended location.
Yes, the Xe-Mobile reactor has versatile applications and can be utilized for civilian purposes. Its long-life and compact design offer reliable backup power and resilience to communities worldwide.
Yes, the Xe-Mobile reactor represents a significant step forward in clean energy and leadership. It offers a feasible micro-mobile nuclear reactor solution, providing clean and accessible power to remote areas and critical infrastructure.
We’re Hiring
Developing state-of-the-art, high technology solutions for nuclear reactors and fuel requires both traditional nuclear and non-traditional engineering skills and experience. We’re looking for capabilities in solution development, multi-disciplinary analysis, systems engineering, facility design, test planning, logistics, management, and system integration.